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Join a community of like minded cybersecurity professionals and have fun. We have several voice chats, gaming sessions and are very welcoming to new members. It’s a great way to make friends. Just come and say hi.

Want to send a personal email?

Please read the guidance below to make sure it isn’t ignored.

  • Any thank you messages are greatly appreciated. Leo reads every one.

  • Well thought through suggestions for the channel are welcome.

  • Have a question unrelated to business? It won’t be answered here. Please join the Discord server and post in a relevant channel.

  • Please read the FAQ, these questions will be blocked by default.


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Watch some videos

This video links to the entire TPSC uploads playlist so you will get all videos starting with a recent one. If you’re up for a cybersecurity marathon, go for it! You can tell me how far you make it. Don’t forget to turn on notifications if you want to be, “first”, next time.